A meaningful dialog, guised within a fantastical story.
How it Works:
A meaningful dialog, guised within a fantastical story can cover countless topics of concern as they flow in and out of an experience fashioned around purposeful play.
Think of Dream Traveler as a bedtime story you and your child create together. Using mental visualization exercises and prompts to assist and inspire story conception; children are taught to reframe perspectives, breathe, focus, and recognize how to be aware of their bodies, thoughts, and responses. These key ideas represent my vision of connectivity/Deeply Noticing, each facilitates meaningful exchanges that allow youth to enhance their emotional literacy and become active contributors within their learning experiences.
Children love a process that allows them to explore and express themselves in a manner that is playful. The goal of Dream Traveler is to facilitate and encourage conversations with children around situations they experience, or may find themselves in.
Sometimes a child may find that they are unable to verbalize internal issues and in turn unable to express themselves or address their concerns. Examples of these situations may be; feelings of fear or anxiety or of not being heard, listened to or believed. Children need a helping hand when managing real or imagined worries about themselves, their families or even “monsters”.
Using the Dream Traveler Journal, Storytelling cards and Parents Guide will make it easy to create stories and playful exchanges with the children in your care.
Need ideas getting started? Check out our videos and tips:
Created and designed by Jillian, Dream Traveler is an interactive storytelling vehicle, designed to enhance bedtime rituals. Designed with mindful activities to enable a child as they take control of their own stories.
We can reframe perceptions by remembering to breathe, focus, and recognize how to be aware of their bodies, thoughts, and responses in a fun and creative way.
Sludges NorQ~hammer is Dream Travelers kind-hearted expert and the accidental cause behind the "Monster Under the Bed". In an effort to make things right, Sludges has dedicated himself to helping children navigate dreams and understand and take-on the fear associated with nightmares.
Dream Traveler's ready-to-use tool-kit includes:
• A Parent Guide
• Dream Journal (with activity pages)
• 10 Story Prompt Cards
• Dream Collectors Amulet Bag
The Dream Journal is filled with mindful visualization exercises
and prompts to assist and inspire story conception.
Dream Journal Activity Pages Cover:
• What About Nightmares & Scary Dreams?
• The Dream Amulet
• Getting Ready to Dream
• Creating our Story
• Whoops Accident
The Parent Guide walks adults through the process by breaking down the intent and purpose behind each page, exercise and activity found inside.
Parent Tips include topics such as:
1. Leveling The Playing Field
2. Co-Creating + Co-municating
3. Keeping The Well From Running Dry
4. Being Adventurous + Being Patient
5. Permission To Fail
6. Helpful Prompt-Conversation Starters
Cover of Dream Journal
All works © 2010-2025 Jillian Suzanne, All Rights Reserved.